
About Calíope

Hello, I hope you are very well, my name is David Villalobos, I am a Database Administrator.

In 2008 I began the process of learning Qt to develop for GNU/Linux, in that same year I started working with databases. With the passing of days I realized that none of the tools available at the time fit my needs and requirements related to the interaction with the databases, for example, there was no program that would allow me to export the result of a query to an XML, HTML or PDF file just with some clicks, so I decided to start the development of Calíope (Spanish word for Calliope, muse of epic poetry and eloquence), a graphical user interface to work with MariaDB and MySQL.

In 2022 I decided to give Calíope a more professional face, create a website, order some graphic aspects of the application and offer the world this tool that has helped me so much all these years.

Best regards
